If we believe that men + women are inherently different, how can we discover the reality about womanhood without falling into harmful stereotypes? How do women who AREN’T mothers fit into God’s design for gender? How does God’s design for women’s bodies relate to deeper meanings about our world? How can women who don’t fit into your typical “meek and mild” box live out Theology of the Body and take part in salvation history when sometimes in the Church we’re smacked in the face with judgement and outdated gender roles?
These are just SOME of the questions I had about TOB. There’s nobody better to chat about them with than Christopher West, the president of the Theology of the Body Institute. It was an honor to talk with a world-renowned Catholic speaker and educator and to join forces on the truth behind Catholic feminism. Enjoy!
Today’s episode is brought to you by Meaningful Market, a shop that believes beauty and justice go hand in hand. For 20% off your first order, head to meaningfulmarketshop.com and enter TCFpod20 at checkout.
Today’s episode is also brought to you by Branded Beauty, an e-course on branding for the new evangelization by Pink Salt Riot founder Jill Simons. Enter CATHOLICFEMINIST for 25% off your course. Jill will be actively leading the course in the Facebook group from Jan 14- Feb 22, but people that sign up will have immediate access to the whole thing immediately just in time to put some new branding into practice before the holidays. Head here!
Don’t forget to preorder GIRL, ARISE, a Catholic feminist manifesto being published by Ave Maria Press this February.
Topics discussed:
Why Christopher loves TOB
How we can embrace TOB without putting women in a box
How women who aren’t mothers can still embrace womanhood in a very pro-mother Catholic society
How the biology of women fits into God’s greater plan for the universe
How secular feminism and Catholic feminism contrast one another
We mentioned:
Find Christopher West:
On Facebook
At the TOB Institute