Sleep, Spirituality and Self-Care ft. Carleara Weiss


What do sleep + self-care have to do with our faith life? As it turns out…a lot. Today on the show we have Carleara Weiss, PHD, breaking down how feminists can get more sleep, why women may have a harder time sleeping than men (#hormones), and why sleep affects our spirituality. Carleara + I also discuss how to get more women involved in STEM and the importance of 👏🏻mentoring👏🏻 women in your field. I love Carleara’s viewpoint on her faith being strengthened by science and how we as humans are able to help each other by learning more about the world around us. Enjoy!

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Topics discussed:

  • Carleara’s transition from Brazil to Buffalo

  • How she lets her faith build her science and her science build her faith

  • Tips for getting more sleep

  • Why sleep is so important to believers

  • How we can get more women involved in STEM careers

  • What’s been bringing her closer to God lately

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