"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." - St. Teresa of Calcutta.
This quote completely sums up my view of social justice. Today I'm speaking with Beth Awalt, the co-founder of The Starfish Foundation. After going on a mission trip to Ecuador, Beth was so moved that she began a non-profit to empower and equip schoolchildren there. Beth serves as a shining example of learning about an issue and taking concrete action steps to help solve it. Beth's story of beginning her non-profit and all of the struggles she encountered is fascinating and I'm honored to share it with you today!
Topics discussed:
- Why Beth began The Starfish Foundation
- What the Foundation does to help children in Ecuador
- How you can become a part of this mission
- The struggles of starting a non-profit
- Why it's important to volunteer, no matter where you are in the world
- The importance of "people-first" vocabulary
- How small changes can make a big impact when it comes to building bridges between cultures
- What God taught Beth through this experience
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