Intimacy No Matter Your Season ft. Amanda Vernon

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Amanda Vernon grew up singing hymns passed down from generations before her since her father told her if she was singing, she might as well be praying. And she never stopped doing either! Today, Amanda is an accomplished musician with four kids who spreads the Gospel through the gift of music. She's also a writer, and her book When God Wrecks Your Romance discusses the tumultuous time in her life when she dated a man who eventually discerned the priesthood. I absolutely loved her insight on intimacy: why do we all need it? Why is it so vital? How can we find it if we're NOT currently married? Amanda is a true gift to our church and I hope our conversation resonates with you!

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Topics discussed:

  • How Amanda got into singing

  • The way her African-American heritage influences her music to this day

  • Her past relationship with a man who’s now a priest and how she sought wholeness afterwards

  • Finding true intimacy in all seasons of life

  • Her coping mechanisms for emotional resilience as a performer

  • What’s been bringing her closer to God lately

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